Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prostitution Laws Should Be Legal - 968 Words

It’s counterintuitive to some people, but prostitution laws are actually inhibiting sex traffickers from being brought to justice. The primary reason being that prostitution laws obviously create a barrier between sex trafficking victims and the police. Hence, a study by the Department of Justice found that officers replied that â€Å"victims’ distrust† of law enforcement was by far the most difficult challenge in their investigations, as opposed to lack of resources, lack of training, etc. Prostitution laws are blocking the flow of vital information to the proper authorities. As of now, only thirty percent of criminal trafficking investigations are prompted by tips from concerned citizens. Clearly, more people would feel free to contact the police with this kind of information if prostitution were decriminalized. To demonstrate, consider what the Sex Workers Project uncovered when they interviewed service providers for trafficked victims. They found that the majority of victims had not been identified as a result of police raids. Furthermore, a supervisor from one such organization said, â€Å"Ninety percent of our cases are not from raids, not even law enforcement identified.† Law enforcement should rely less upon intimidating potential witnesses and coordinate more with those in the sex industry and volunteer outreach workers. Our prohibition laws have essentially granted the sex worker community a pariah status, even though they would be a fantastic resourc e for combatingShow MoreRelatedShould Prostitution Laws Be Legal?1304 Words   |  6 PagesMost people morally oppose the profession of prostitution because they consider it to be a taboo. While others believe that it is their right and personal freedom to choose what to do with their life and body. Recently, the debate about how laws should address prostitution legally has become a subject of legislative action. 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