Sunday, December 29, 2019

Female Discrimination And Domestic Violence - 869 Words

Argument ABC News’ main argument throughout the reports was strongly about female discrimination in workplace and the cause of the issue. Inequality issues such as pay gap significantly affect female graduates. A report showed that some industries suffer a larger gender pay gap than others. The pay inequality was then argued to stem from a lack of women in Parliament. The lack of women representatives was witnessed to have a direct impact on workplace discrimination and domestic violence. Due to an image that women are â€Å"lesser† in the workforce, women have been portrayed as weak and reliant on men. Furthermore, a survey showed that men and employees without children are preferred by employers. So, as the gender pay gap increases, the likelihood of gender equality would increase; thus ABC News hinted for Government to take action to mediate the issue. As of 2013, female graduates earn $5,000 less than male graduates, an increase of $3,000 from the previous year. GradStats report, in 2012 showed that men’s starting salaries increased to $55,000 while women’s salaries remained at $50,000. The pay gap differs between professions. The highest gap was recorded in architecture and building, with men receiving $52,000 compared to $43,000. Dentistry was the second highest with women expected to earn at least $14,000 less than men in the first year. The pay gap is evident throughout all occupations except three that men and women earn the same- education, humanities and medicine.Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Gender Discrimination1412 Words   |  6 PagesTo look into the issue of gender discrimination in both Australia and China. 1.2 Parameters To investigate the problem of gender inequality involving workplace discrimination and domestic violence in Australia and China. 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