Sunday, December 29, 2019

Female Discrimination And Domestic Violence - 869 Words

Argument ABC News’ main argument throughout the reports was strongly about female discrimination in workplace and the cause of the issue. Inequality issues such as pay gap significantly affect female graduates. A report showed that some industries suffer a larger gender pay gap than others. The pay inequality was then argued to stem from a lack of women in Parliament. The lack of women representatives was witnessed to have a direct impact on workplace discrimination and domestic violence. Due to an image that women are â€Å"lesser† in the workforce, women have been portrayed as weak and reliant on men. Furthermore, a survey showed that men and employees without children are preferred by employers. So, as the gender pay gap increases, the likelihood of gender equality would increase; thus ABC News hinted for Government to take action to mediate the issue. As of 2013, female graduates earn $5,000 less than male graduates, an increase of $3,000 from the previous year. GradStats report, in 2012 showed that men’s starting salaries increased to $55,000 while women’s salaries remained at $50,000. The pay gap differs between professions. The highest gap was recorded in architecture and building, with men receiving $52,000 compared to $43,000. Dentistry was the second highest with women expected to earn at least $14,000 less than men in the first year. The pay gap is evident throughout all occupations except three that men and women earn the same- education, humanities and medicine.Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Gender Discrimination1412 Words   |  6 PagesTo look into the issue of gender discrimination in both Australia and China. 1.2 Parameters To investigate the problem of gender inequality involving workplace discrimination and domestic violence in Australia and China. This report will include words for about 2000 and will be divided into 4 sections. 1.3 Definitions Gender inequality can be defined as allowing people having different opportunities due to perceived differences based solely on issues of gender. In the meantime, the prejudicialRead MoreGender Inequality And Gender Equality1673 Words   |  7 Pagessocieties that believe in equal right for both male and female. Gender inequality means unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. It results from differences in socially constructed gender roles. Inequality is an issue that has a negative effect on both the individual and society. This essay will outline some of the issues that women face in different societies devoted and devolving like inequality in education, work and violence and it will also highlight some of women rightsRead MoreThe Problem Of Female Violence1545 Words   |  7 Pageswomen. In fact, violence is the one variable of which there are overwhelmingly skewed results proving gender differences. So we may ask ourselves, why do women strike me n inside the house in relatively equal numbers, but nearly never resort to violence outside the home? Women for instance may argue that their aggression towards men is harmless, and that slapping a man is quite feminine. These explanations may likely have some validity, but neither addresses motivation for the violence, nor the contextRead MoreDe Beauvoirs â€Å"Woman as Other†1394 Words   |  6 Pagessociety in contrast to man. Indeed, from the beginning of recorded history, the duality of man, by definition, positions woman at the opposing end of the spectrum in relation to her male counterpart. Even by today’s modern and accepting standards, the female suffers under the brand of being the sub-standard half of the duality equation; compared to her male opponent, women are paid lower wages, have fewer and limited expression of rights, achieve lower educations, have greatly reduced access to opportunitiesRead MoreViolence Against Women In India1556 Words   |  7 PagesViolence against women is not a problem of today; it is rooted decades before. It is present all over the world .The condition is getting worse day by day. It is crossing all the borders and races. Violence against women is a very serious and sensitive issue as it is one of the most pervasive of human rights violation denying fundamental rights to almost half of population (females and girls).Domestic violence is much more drastic than violence outside because home is a place where individual seeksRead MoreDomestic Violence And Violence Against Women1662 Words   |  7 Pagesdefinition of domestic violence is, â€Å"Violent confrontation between family or household members involving physical harm, sexual assault, or fear of physical harm†. Domestic violence takes place in many forms, including physical assault, threats, sexual abuse, intimidation, etc. Domestic violence destroys the meaning behind a home and the feeling of a safe environment. No one man, woman, or chi ld deserves to be abused. The abuser is the one who should take responsibility of the violence occurring, notRead MoreSexual Discrimination And Gender Discrimination1384 Words   |  6 PagesSexual discrimination, sex based discrimination, gender discrimination or sexism is a type of prejudice or discrimination based on a person s sex or gender usually by the opposite gender. Thus, it generally refers to discrimination against a male by a female or a female by a male. Feminism can therefore be considered a form of sexism. More often than not however, sexism is commonly applied to the unfair treatment of women, the denial of opportunity to women or an injustice towards women, whichRead MoreDiscrimination At Birth And Infant And Child Mortality Rates1265 Words   |  6 PagesDiscrimination at Birth The discrimination of a female in the developing Indian society begins at the determination of sex. Compared to their male counterparts, at the determination of the fetus, females are more susceptible to being aborted by the mother. According to T.V.Sekher and Neelambar Hatti: â€Å"recent studies of female infanticide, new biases in sex ratios at birth and infant and child mortality rates indicate that extreme forms of daughter discrimination resulting in death have persistedRead MoreGender Roles : The Harmful Effects1656 Words   |  7 Pagesorgans, it leaves very little room for change later in the child’s life, because children born with female sex organs are not necessarily girls, just as children born with male sex organs are not necessarily boys. Rather, gender is based on mindset, personal identity, outward presentations, and behavior of the individual. Binary genders, or the broadly accepted idea that only two genders, male and female, exist, is a direct result of western culture, but gender is actually a continuum, which betterRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women Essay1691 Words   |  7 PagesOrganization defines violence as: â€Å"The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation†. WHO has declared violence against women both a public health problem and a violation of human rights. Violence against women is of many types and has many faces. Also called Gender-based violence, public health

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Summerise the Expected Stages of Childrens Behaviour Essay

5.1. Summarise the expected stages of children’s behaviour. Children need guidance and personal example from the adults around them to help them learn what is acceptable and what behaviour isn’t acceptable. Behaviour is greatly influenced by primary socialisation and children will react and take in how close family members act. Bandura developed the modelling idea where children would copy the adults around them. â€Å"There is much evidence that a child who witnesses or experiences violence at home may develop aggressive tendencies.† There are a number of different types of behaviour these include assertive, aggressive, submissive and manipulative behaviour. When a child is showing signs of manipulative behaviour they tend to blame others†¦show more content†¦If a child has a feeling of control in them and their lives then there confidence and self esteem will be lifted and this will help their behaviour. If a child is given the chance to make their own decisions they will feel important and in charge helping how they act. â€Å"Play should empower children, affirm and support their right to make choices, discover their own solutions, to play and develop at their own pace and in their own way.† Children can behave badly due to many different reasons; one most common cause of bad behaviour is separation and changes in a child’s normal routine as joining a nursery is usually the first time a child is separated from its parents. Parents are usually able to stay with their child for a little while to help settle the child in. The key worker system is useful as this will help the child feel safe and secure with that person. â€Å"It is often helpful if the same member of staff welcomes the child each day, particularly in their first few weeks of attendance. This helps build security and gives both the child and their parent a focal point where they can say goodbye with limited distress.† Another strategy for managing behaviour is the ABC strategy, which is based on social learning theory. When a child finds it difficult coping with new challenges and becomes distressed its best to deal with this with consistent responses. Showing a child attention whilst behavingShow MoreRelatedCIPD 3MER3901 Words   |  16 Pageson the employment relationship. A number of factors impact on the relationship between employees and employers. Below I have listed intenal and external factors which impact on the employment relationship. Internal Organisation culture – The behaviour and morals of the employees within the company have a big impact on the employment relationship e.g if there is the ethos of flexible working hours then you may find that the employees are more likely yo be unhappy towards any changed in the terms

Friday, December 13, 2019

Burglary Criminal Data Comparison Free Essays

The year 1929 marked the conception of the Uniform Crime Reporting program (UCR) by the chiefs of police international association to gather for the required reliability and homogeneous crime data for the country. The mission of collection, publication and archiving of this information was rendered to the FBI in 1930. At present, numerous yearly statistical data such as â€Å"Crime in the United States† is published from information provided by approximately 17,000 U. We will write a custom essay sample on Burglary Criminal Data Comparison or any similar topic only for you Order Now S. law enforcement organizations. UCR Program later formulated the NIBRS-National Incident Based Reporting System as an answer to necessitate the want for in-depth and flexible data. Crime Indicators In a period not less than 30years the United States has had two national crime indicators: the UCR program and the NCVS-National Crime Victimization Survey that gathers a statistics from a nationally balanced representative sample of persons 12 years and above who produce crime estimates independent of the recorded performances of the criminal justice organization. Information from both is normally used jointly to present a more inclusive evaluation of crime in the United States. Burglary Burglary as defined by the Uniform Crime Reporting program is the illegal entrance into a structure to commit an offense or theft. For an offense to be classified under burglary the use of force to attain entry is not a must. The program has 3 subdivisions for burglary: entry by force, illegal entry without use of force and attempted entry by force. The same applies to the UCR’s classification of structure which includes barn, apartment, and houseboat or house trailer is used as lifelong residence, ship vessel, office, railroad car excluding automobiles. Legal enforcement urgencies in 2005 reported an approximated 2,154,126 burglary crime which represents a 0. 5% rise from the 2004 figures. An assessment of decade trends shows a 1. 8% rise in burglary rates in comparison with the 2001 approximation, and a 14 % decrease from the 1996 figures. Based on the table’s approximation of committed property crimes, burglary accounted for over 21 percent of the total with an average dollar loss of 1,725 USD. Statistics show that of the residential burglary offences that occurred in 2005, a majority 65% took place during daytime, however for nonresidential structures most burglary offences (58 percent) happened in the night- that’s between 1800hours and 0600hours. This information can aid one on drawing trends of burglary offences considering the population, form of life and city structure. New York Metropolitan Area In recent years police survey information show that burglary in the core counties of the New York Metropolitan region’s core counties has been on the decline. And as anticipated the UCR burglary rate was lower than the NCVS total burglary rate, this is attributed to the reluctance of victims to report with only about 61% of burglary incidences recorded by the police. Most occurrences were reported from lower class residential areas with high unemployment rates with the offenders being violent youths mostly. Chicago Metropolitan Area Police and survey estimates agree of decline in burglary incidences since 2000 but still the NCVS rate was higher than the UCR with only 52% of burglary incidences reported over this period. Rates were high in suburban areas of Illinois and generally performed during the day but not violently. Its noted that the offenses were executed mostly by men but some of them usually nonviolent were an act of the female gender. Conclusion It should be noted that most of those local state agencies with the interest to review rates or crime trends, classically draw analysis about felony in their regions basing singly on police statistics. This study has examined the comparison of police figures to victim survey information on burglary and other crimes for the big cities in the country. Gender ,age and class form the most noteworthy burglary variables compounded with the effects of class i. e. unemployment and location. Unlike men, females have a tendency to start burglary in their later stages in life with lower/ underclass females involved than young women. References Maston, C. and Klaus, P. (2006). Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2005 statistical tables. Violent Crime since 1993, US Department of Justice. http://www. ojp. usdoj. gov/bjs/glance/tables/4meastab. htm. Retrieved on March 13, 2009. How to cite Burglary Criminal Data Comparison, Papers